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Serving Ohio, Indiana & Michigan Licensed Since 2006

Pest Control Claim Example: WDI Inspection

A termite inspection firm was hired to look over a home for termites before closing.  The pest control termite inspector found signs of prior termite infiltration, and reported it to client.  Their report indicated that an active termite infestation wasn’t found, but portions of structure could not be inspected because of obstructions.  Buyers decided to still purchase home despite report of prior termites and fact that some areas couldn’t be inspected.  After they got into the house, termites were found behind a wall that was blocked during inspection.  A lawsuit was filed and jury ultimately found the pest control inspector not at fault.  But not before $75000 in legal expenses!  These expenses were covered by insurance policy.

If a lawsuit has been filed against you, most areas have online court dockets you can find more information on your case.  In our area where our office is, we have this site which has all our area court dockets.

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